Grumbling and Complaining

Let’s say you were miraculously let out of prison, but as is common, you find it hard to function on the outside. You have a place to live, but jobs are hard to come by, so Ramon Noodles are your staple. You’re warm and dry but you do have some hardships. You know God got you out, because it was a true miracle, but you start thinking of how good you had it in prison. “Three meals a day, friends, a bed, didn’t have to work etc.” Next thing you know, you begin complaining about everything and going back in your mind to the things you had in prison. Before long your grumbling and complaining, opening a door in the spirit realm and a demonic spirit comes and tempts you to break parole and go back to the life you once hated and couldn’t wait to get out of. Next thing you know, you’re lying on your bunk, staring at bars!

That’s the children of Abraham in Numbers 11. But with them, they paid a much dearer price than prison, many paid with their lives by fire! Why? Because drastic measures had to taken to rein in the poison of grumbling, complaining and longing for the hell they had escaped from.

This type of attitude spreads like wild fire, because no one keeps it to themselves. They let everyone know how they feel, and further spread the wild fire, so a literal fire from God suddenly appeared among them and burned them up with their griping and complaining and delusions.  God simply could not allow this to go on; it would destroy the plan and the people. They would not be able to fulfill the call to the world. This is why God had to deal with them in drastic measures, but it makes us see how greatly God hates grumbling and complaining, for it’s really directed toward Him whether we realize it or not, for He orders our steps.

Hmmm….maybe I need to pray for perspective and thankfulness and put away grumbling and complaining.


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