The Temptation To Go Back

Numbers 10:29 is controversial as to whether the verse is speaking of Moses Father-in-law or his brother-in-law, but either way, like Moses wife, “he”, whoever “he” is, is contemplating and planning on going back. He has seen the awesomeness of God. He has seen the goodness of God. He has tasted the goodness of God and yet he says: “I will not go (forward); I will depart to my own land and to my family.”

Over the years we have seen many go back. Like Lot’s wife, people have trouble seeing the goodness of God that lies ahead. Their family means more, their desires rule and even after experiencing  the goodness of God, they go back.

Moses appealed to his kin, “Do not leave us, I pray you; for you know how we are to camp in the wilderness, and you will serve as our eyes. And if you will go with us, it shall be that whatever good the Lord does to us, the same we will do to you.”

It’s a decision we must all make and we are warned many times, once you have put your hand to the plow, you cannot look back. It WILL change your life. It WILL change relationships, but you must plow forward with a straight furrow, never looking back, always looking forward to the goodness that God has in store for you. People may fall to your right and perish to your left, but a made up mind is an absolute necessity! Do not compare yourself with anyone else, keep your eyes on God and His prize and determine in your heart to gain it for yourself.

Moses relative did not turn back. You may be tempted, but don’t give in! It’s not worth the price you will pay for eternity. There is nothing to back to. Think of Lot’s wife!


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