November 16th, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
Take What Is Yours
I’m diligently seeking, praying, reading, concerning an annoying need. While reading scriptures on Jesus healing: Matthew 4:23-25; 9:35-36; 10:1; 13:15; 14:14; 14:34-36; Luke 6:17-19, I thought about how Jesus was sad at the sight! Multitudes, sick, infirmed, dying, maimed. What a site it must have been! “He was moved with compassion”, but not strictly in the human sense. He was moved in sorrow at what Satan had done to mankind. He was sorrowful over the state of mankind, His beloved creation. Like a father having to watch as life destroys his beloved child. He came to crush Satan and stop the atrocities! Jesus healed them ALL, because that’s why He came! To deliver His creation from the horrible bondage of the enemy. To deliver and free their soul and spirit, their emotions and mind, as well as their/your body. It’s a done deal. It’s a one and done. Freedom from Satan, Jesus turned no one away, and He won’t turn you away! Fight for what’s rightfully yours!!! Command Satan to leave your mind, to leave your body. EXPECT deliverance to come. Jesus didn’t die for someone else to be delivered, and forgot you. No! He died to see YOU saved and HEALED. Take what is yours!
Healing goes on at Freedoms Light all the time. This coming Sunday we will have yet another testimony of healing! It’s not because we’re special, it’s because we teach it and believe it!
I’m diligently seeking, praying, reading, concerning an annoying need. While reading scriptures on Jesus healing: Matthew 4:23-25; 9:35-36; 10:1; 13:15; 14:14; 14:34-36; Luke 6:17-19, I thought about how Jesus was sad at the sight! Multitudes, sick, infirmed, dying, maimed. What a site it must have been! “He was moved with compassion”, but not strictly in the human sense. He was moved in sorrow at what Satan had done to mankind. He was sorrowful over the state of mankind, His beloved creation. Like a father having to watch as life destroys his beloved child. He came to crush Satan and stop the atrocities! Jesus healed them ALL, because that’s why He came! To deliver His creation from the horrible bondage of the enemy. To deliver and free their soul and spirit, their emotions and mind, as well as their/your body. It’s a done deal. It’s a one and done. Freedom from Satan, Jesus turned no one away, and He won’t turn you away! Fight for what’s rightfully yours!!! Command Satan to leave your mind, to leave your body. EXPECT deliverance to come. Jesus didn’t die for someone else to be delivered, and forgot you. No! He died to see YOU saved and HEALED. Take what is yours!
Healing goes on at Freedoms Light all the time. This coming Sunday we will have yet another testimony of healing! It’s not because we’re special, it’s because we teach it and believe it!
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