Can or Will

Can or Will?

I believe and know that He can, but do I believe and KNOW that He will?

I had to ask myself this question. I have been healed many times supernaturally by the power of God and yes, I always knew He COULD, but doubted that He WOULD! Why did I think that? Because I thought “I” was apart of the equation.

I know my faults better than anyone, so….I know I’m not worthy to be healed. But I’m not worthy to be saved and He saved me! Here’s the deal, you’re not saved and healed because you’re good and worthy. You’re saved and healed because HE is good and worthy! You’re saved AND healed because God loved you enough in your fallen state to send His Son to save you and deliver you from sickness and eternal death. No one can save themselves, not even you.

If you accepted His salvation believing that He WOULD, then accept His healing which from scripture was all apart of the deal! It’s NOT two separate issues, but rather a package deal! Stop believing He CAN, and start believing He WILL!


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