Stop & Think

Stop And Think!

Have you ever stopped to think about the words “He comes to make His blessings flow FAR AS THE CURSE IS FOUND?” That’s lyrics from the Christmas song Joy To The Word. Have you ever thought of what came in with the curse, the fall of Adam, the giving away by Adam of dominion of the earth, giving away the keys to the kingdom? Well, let’s think about it now: death, sickness, transgressions. Sin and iniquities, joy and peace, eternal life with God, all given away! We were never meant to die, much less be sick, and all the other evils that came with the fall.

The church has failed us!!! When I was growing up Methodist, I never heard a salvation message until I went to a Baptist church at 13. There they did a great job presenting a salvation message, but they left out all the rest! The healing, the help, the overcoming, etc. No other denomination did any better though in my opinion.

We got into the Assembly of God while in the Navy, which brought out the infilling of the Holy Spirit which helped with these things, but still left out the essential that Christ overcame the world in all these areas! Then we moved to Church of God when we moved to GA because there was no Assembly. They still did not preach that Jesus overcame the world FOR me, in every area. If they did, I wasn’t understanding. It took a revelation straight from the Holy Spirit to get a hold of me! I’m tired of living accepting sickness as “natural”. Think about it! It doesn’t even make sense! Why would God create us to be so frail, and weak and sick? He wouldn’t and He didn’t! Stop accepting sickness! You don’t have to die of disease. You can “sleep” when God is ready for you. Take back today what Adam gave away and find out the truth for yourself, of what Jesus really did for you on the Cross! Now, STOP and really think about it.


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