November 4th, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
Monsters In The Bible
Today perhaps you could say our culture is obsessed with scary monsters and the dark side. I began seeing “ghosts” in the trees in early September and in our travels every town has a ghost tour. With this in mind did you know the Bible is full of horrid monsters and enough elusive “creatures” to fill the pages of a #1 New York Times best selling, scary novel? So much so, I’m surprised more people don’t read it for the fun of it! In fact, if you read the Bible it can be quite startling and honestly….scary! I get the feeling that that there is more to these scary stories, than meets the eye.
Ancient civilizations all telling similar stories that we today call "mythology." Could people groups across the eons of time, actually have the imaginations to come up with the same creatures, the same “gods” in description and characterization, albeit with different names? Might they be mythical to us, but very real to the ancients? Might they be found in the Bible?
The Bible is a cliff hanger book, once you understand it. It’s an inexhaustible book as well. An autobiography God wrote of Himself, to reveal Himself. Get in there while you can, and learn of the freedom God gave all His creation, "man:, as well as the angel’s. Read of the other worldly giants, and the angels battle plan to defeat God. Read of the hordes of Hell that hate YOU and God. Read what God plans to do to these horrific creatures and be sure to set your calendar for Nov 14th, where we will discover Monsters In The Bible! You can watch in the Freedoms Light Church App or on Facebook and sometimes YouTube, if we’re not kicked off. Now get in and start reading! The hair on the back of your neck may just stand up!
Today perhaps you could say our culture is obsessed with scary monsters and the dark side. I began seeing “ghosts” in the trees in early September and in our travels every town has a ghost tour. With this in mind did you know the Bible is full of horrid monsters and enough elusive “creatures” to fill the pages of a #1 New York Times best selling, scary novel? So much so, I’m surprised more people don’t read it for the fun of it! In fact, if you read the Bible it can be quite startling and honestly….scary! I get the feeling that that there is more to these scary stories, than meets the eye.
Ancient civilizations all telling similar stories that we today call "mythology." Could people groups across the eons of time, actually have the imaginations to come up with the same creatures, the same “gods” in description and characterization, albeit with different names? Might they be mythical to us, but very real to the ancients? Might they be found in the Bible?
The Bible is a cliff hanger book, once you understand it. It’s an inexhaustible book as well. An autobiography God wrote of Himself, to reveal Himself. Get in there while you can, and learn of the freedom God gave all His creation, "man:, as well as the angel’s. Read of the other worldly giants, and the angels battle plan to defeat God. Read of the hordes of Hell that hate YOU and God. Read what God plans to do to these horrific creatures and be sure to set your calendar for Nov 14th, where we will discover Monsters In The Bible! You can watch in the Freedoms Light Church App or on Facebook and sometimes YouTube, if we’re not kicked off. Now get in and start reading! The hair on the back of your neck may just stand up!
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