Final Words

In Set The Trumpet To Thy Mouth, the “graduated” David Wilkerson lays out a case for holiness and being set apart that will convict even the most devout among us. He said something that I could so relate to and that was this: “Stay in His Word until it becomes a NEW BOOK to you - until you are DRAWN TO IT, until it works its sweet cleansing power in you.
Those who draw near to Him don’t need television anymore.” 

I’m someone who wondered and pondered about God at a very young age, but the world took its ugly toll on me very early. But in God’s unfathomable Grace, I got saved at 13. I didn’t know or understand squat! My life was tough, living and dealing with the world, but I always had this desire and longing for God. One day, a friend told me that she listened to Joyce Meyer every day before work. I listened to Fox News before work. That really hit my spirit and I determined to change. I began listening to Joyce Meyer instead of Fox News. That was the beginning of a life transformation none of you can believe or even understand! I’m still in this sinful flesh, but He did a work in sinful, ordinary me that is beyond comprehension! He changed me! I began to long for the Word. Getting up at 4:30 to read the Word before work was a delight! I couldn’t get enough! My eyes began to open. My ears began to hear. I understood the Word in ways I had only dreamed of. I was slowly being transformed! There is still remnants of me on the outside, but inside I am not the same person. I long to be with my Lord. I long for graduation day. I long to see His face. I long for me and my family to be with us, me and my Lord. I live to read the Word and see others come to this glorious revelation of the Truth. I long for people to be free of this sin filled world that binds and strangles us unto death. I long for them to know the joy and freedom and peace and REST that He brings to every situation, every circumstance. I long for everyone I know to be in relationship NOW with the One Who died for them, to set them free from the misery of this life. And yes, no matter how good you have it here, it’s still misery apart from Him. “Stay in His Word until it becomes a NEW BOOK to you - until you are DRAWN TO IT, until it works its sweet cleansing power in you.” If I were departing this world, this would be my departing words. What better advice could I leave?


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