November 4th, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
The lens by which the Bible must be read or it will never make sense to the carnal mind, and it will never penetrate to the spirit whereby one is to be saved, lies in the question everyone asks, “Why would a loving God allow so much evil, pain, and suffering on the earth?” The answer is found in Genesis, in the free will of all His creation. Hell is God giving free, eternal creatures what they want – freedom from Him. All the suffering and evil of earth are meant to warn us, and we know that hell was not created for people, and you won’t understand that until you understand the Garden and Genesis 6.
God did not create man to fall and side with Satan, but he did give him a free will and man chose. I meet people every day who want nothing to do with God. I invite people to church. I offer them help through Jesus Christ. I tell them of Jesus miraculous healing power that I have experienced myself, but they choose their misery, they choose their doctor, they choose their sickness and pain over learning about their great God who gave them life and wants to overcome it for them. If you don’t want Him here, you’re not going to want Him there! What’s the difference? You don’t love Him here, you won’t have the opportunity to love Him there!
Read Luke 16:19…. This is the Bible in a nutshell. Death came to man when he chose to side with Satan, but God made a way whereby this was not the end of the road, at least for man that is. It was the end for the angels who chose to side with God’s enemy. They got no second chance! He created you, He loves you. Adam sold your world out to the enemy of God. God came as a man to destroy the works of the enemy in your life. If you accept it, you’re back one with Him. If you reject it, you continue as God’s enemy. The choice is actually very simple, as is the answer to the proposed question. Now it’s up to you to decide.
The lens by which the Bible must be read or it will never make sense to the carnal mind, and it will never penetrate to the spirit whereby one is to be saved, lies in the question everyone asks, “Why would a loving God allow so much evil, pain, and suffering on the earth?” The answer is found in Genesis, in the free will of all His creation. Hell is God giving free, eternal creatures what they want – freedom from Him. All the suffering and evil of earth are meant to warn us, and we know that hell was not created for people, and you won’t understand that until you understand the Garden and Genesis 6.
God did not create man to fall and side with Satan, but he did give him a free will and man chose. I meet people every day who want nothing to do with God. I invite people to church. I offer them help through Jesus Christ. I tell them of Jesus miraculous healing power that I have experienced myself, but they choose their misery, they choose their doctor, they choose their sickness and pain over learning about their great God who gave them life and wants to overcome it for them. If you don’t want Him here, you’re not going to want Him there! What’s the difference? You don’t love Him here, you won’t have the opportunity to love Him there!
Read Luke 16:19…. This is the Bible in a nutshell. Death came to man when he chose to side with Satan, but God made a way whereby this was not the end of the road, at least for man that is. It was the end for the angels who chose to side with God’s enemy. They got no second chance! He created you, He loves you. Adam sold your world out to the enemy of God. God came as a man to destroy the works of the enemy in your life. If you accept it, you’re back one with Him. If you reject it, you continue as God’s enemy. The choice is actually very simple, as is the answer to the proposed question. Now it’s up to you to decide.
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