October 8th, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
*“The ‘ten horns’ are explained in Daniel 7:23-25and Revelation 17:12 to be ten kings, and the whole vision is of the last form of Gentile world-power, a confederated ten-kingdom empire, most likely covering the whole Earth. Now, it’s interesting to note, that on the year 1972, the Club of Rome proposed a plan to divide the whole world into 10 Regions. Now, the question arises is that who will control these regions? Daniel 7:8, “…there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a MAN and a MOUTH that spoke boastfully.” Notice that this ‘little horn’ is a man, and a very proud one. Therefore, could this man have total control of the whole world?”
“In Daniel 7:20-22, it speaks of a ‘little horn‘ coming out of the 10 Horns, who will speak boastfully against the Most High God. Moreover, some theologians have stated this ‘little horn’ signifies the Anti-Christ, who will wage war against the Saints. In fact, he was defeating the Saints, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgement in favor of the saints on the Most High God, and thus the saints possessed the everlasting kingdom.”
So where is America? Could it be swallowed up into its designated region under one of the 10 kings? They have it already planned as Canada, US and Mexico. I believe the Word bares this out. Is this why the boarder is open? The US is quickly losing its identity, in fact we will be known as the North American Union. This is the plan and this is why America is not in prophecy. It’s happening before our very eyes! When you understand the Bible then you can understand what they are doing and why, because logically it makes no sense. And can western NC vote on November 5th? Can Florida vote on Nov 5th? Could this be why we’re being warned that the US is “over” if Trump doesn’t win? If he doesn’t, get ready, because Jesus is coming to get us, so that the world can serve THEIR god.
“In Daniel 7:20-22, it speaks of a ‘little horn‘ coming out of the 10 Horns, who will speak boastfully against the Most High God. Moreover, some theologians have stated this ‘little horn’ signifies the Anti-Christ, who will wage war against the Saints. In fact, he was defeating the Saints, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgement in favor of the saints on the Most High God, and thus the saints possessed the everlasting kingdom.”
So where is America? Could it be swallowed up into its designated region under one of the 10 kings? They have it already planned as Canada, US and Mexico. I believe the Word bares this out. Is this why the boarder is open? The US is quickly losing its identity, in fact we will be known as the North American Union. This is the plan and this is why America is not in prophecy. It’s happening before our very eyes! When you understand the Bible then you can understand what they are doing and why, because logically it makes no sense. And can western NC vote on November 5th? Can Florida vote on Nov 5th? Could this be why we’re being warned that the US is “over” if Trump doesn’t win? If he doesn’t, get ready, because Jesus is coming to get us, so that the world can serve THEIR god.
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