October 7th, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
Will You Be Close?
John Burke in his book imagine Heaven proposed an interesting thought:
“One thing that’s clear: we will all be equally loved and valued by God in Heaven, but there will be differences. As Jonathon Edward’s speculated, maybe we will all be completely full to overflowing with God’s love, joy, and excitement, but like cups with different capacities, we will experience God and all His wonders to the capacity we developed while on earth. God promises to reward those who faithfully follow and serve Him, and the great news is that every one of us can wildly succeed in His eyes and overflow with great capacity in Heaven. What might those rewards be like? Let’s imagine….
Read that again! We will experience God and all His wonders to the capacity we developed while on earth.
James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
So what happens if you don’t make an effort to draw near to God? Well, John Burke may have an answer.
For the glory of God gives (the city) light, and the Lamb is its lamp. Rev 21:23
“The Angel explained…. The city you see inside is New Jerusalem. It is Heaven’s Heart. The Father and the Lord Jesus are inside on their thrones.”
“Everyone in Heaven will see the Lord and experience the joyful bliss so many ‘Near Death Experiencers’ have described, but I’m not sure that everyone will be equally close in the same way. One person surmised that our love and faithfulness to God on earth determines our capacity to experience Him in Heaven. People who love God deeply are deeply moved in His presence, while the ones who love Him less deeply do not experience the same depth of love. Those who reject God find His presence intensely painful.”
Please meditate and really give this some thought! What you do here is what you get there!
Burke goes on to postulate that perhaps those that live inside the city near Jesus, are the ones that sought to be close to Him on earth. Hmmmm….made me think!
John Burke in his book imagine Heaven proposed an interesting thought:
“One thing that’s clear: we will all be equally loved and valued by God in Heaven, but there will be differences. As Jonathon Edward’s speculated, maybe we will all be completely full to overflowing with God’s love, joy, and excitement, but like cups with different capacities, we will experience God and all His wonders to the capacity we developed while on earth. God promises to reward those who faithfully follow and serve Him, and the great news is that every one of us can wildly succeed in His eyes and overflow with great capacity in Heaven. What might those rewards be like? Let’s imagine….
Read that again! We will experience God and all His wonders to the capacity we developed while on earth.
James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
So what happens if you don’t make an effort to draw near to God? Well, John Burke may have an answer.
For the glory of God gives (the city) light, and the Lamb is its lamp. Rev 21:23
“The Angel explained…. The city you see inside is New Jerusalem. It is Heaven’s Heart. The Father and the Lord Jesus are inside on their thrones.”
“Everyone in Heaven will see the Lord and experience the joyful bliss so many ‘Near Death Experiencers’ have described, but I’m not sure that everyone will be equally close in the same way. One person surmised that our love and faithfulness to God on earth determines our capacity to experience Him in Heaven. People who love God deeply are deeply moved in His presence, while the ones who love Him less deeply do not experience the same depth of love. Those who reject God find His presence intensely painful.”
Please meditate and really give this some thought! What you do here is what you get there!
Burke goes on to postulate that perhaps those that live inside the city near Jesus, are the ones that sought to be close to Him on earth. Hmmmm….made me think!
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