
Church attendance is down 42% from two decades ago. When I read God commanding His people “To gather,” over and over again in Leviticus, it stirred in my spirit. I began to wonder, why attendance is so down?

You see we are eternal beings, just like the angels. We have choices just like the angels. The only difference Jesus paid for us with His life, unlike the angels. Like the angels, we choose which set of angels we want to spend eternity with. The angels who stayed loyal to God  - in Heaven, or the rebellious angels who hate God - in Hell.

Why would any believer not want to go to church, gather with like minded believers, worship their great God, listen to a message of hope in this void world and receive revelation from God? The angels in heaven CONSTANTLY sing His praise! Could it be that some believers are being pulled by the powers of Hell to reject God? Maybe not out right…at first. Too busy, too tired, have to work, or the million other excuses the demons put in our heads. Have they lost sight of the reason they were created? Fellowship with God. Are they experiencing their first steps away from the light of God, their Creator? Are they dipping their big toe in the vast sea of rebellion? The excuses, the reasons, the jobs, the games? Do these hold up in the light of eternity? Will Jesus, after the severe price He paid on the Cross tell you, “It’s ok that you don’t love Me enough to gather together and worship Me.”

C.S. Lewis an Oxford professor who got saved and LEFT teaching to go after God said, “I willingly believe that the damned are, in one sense successful, rebels to the end; that the doors of Hell are locked from the inside….(to) enjoy forever the horrible freedom (from God) they have demanded.”

If you don’t care enough to gather together one day a week to praise the God who died to save you, could you actually be enjoying your freedom from your Creator? You know, have it your way! It’s the first step…..  The angels chose…

*”Jesus is God’s redemptive act for a fallen world…if a person is not ruled by the love of God, he or she is ruled by hatred of God. THE GREATEST HATRED OF GOD IS TO BE INDIFFERENT TO GOD.”

*“…every little action has relational reverberation, person to person, and down through the generations.” He looks at the heart and the motive the most.”

“What good will it do you,” asks Jesus, “to gain the whole world and lose your soul?” Mark 8:36

Live now for what really matters.

“To those that have ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 13:9


*Quote from imagine heaven by John Burke as told to him by Howard Storm

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