

I was reading in Leviticus where God was setting forth the Sabbath and the Feast Days called Holy days. Over and over it gave the command to “Gather together” on the Sabbath and to keep the Feast days and then over and over it said, “FOREVER!” This was a commandment for every generation of Jews. God takes these high Holy days seriously and He hasn’t changed his mind!

Israel is very small and in-spite of political disagreements, religious disagreements and upheaval of all sorts, they still are united together as one. Like a large family with different opinions, but mess with one of them and see what happens! They must be such or they will be destroyed.            

I see these mandates by God clearly being defied in the US, just as the Bible proclaimed; man would turn away from God all over the world and Covid propelled that. One third of the church never went back to church after Covid, evidently agreeing with the government that church is indeed NOT essential. We are becoming more and more isolated, pulling away in isolation from the very one’s that care about us and our welfare the most.

No, we don’t need to be apart of “community” for the sake of community.  We need to be united in Christ, to encourage one another, and learn from one another. To support and be supported. Don’t buy into “watching on line”! God said, “Do not forsake GATHERING TOGETHER to worship Me!” (Heb 10:25) It’s established in the Old and reiterated in the New….testaments that is.


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