Love & Obedience

Love and Obedience

If just the title scared you take heart, because I’m here to tell you that you can’t love and you can’t be obedient! Love and obedience are a common teaching in the church and I would say these two words are totally misunderstood.

We are told in the Bible that the least we can do is to be obedient to God because we love Him but the Bible says that He first loved us! And I’m not splitting hairs. This is important for us to understand, because we can’t love, until we allow or accept, embrace His love for us.

I can honestly say that I loved my parents but didn’t always obey them. My love was faulty at best. If I really loved them, I would have obeyed them. You see love is not enough. Freedom of sin is first needed to even love and be obedient. You must repent and turn away from sin, accepting the sacrifice of Jesus body in place of yours or you have no ability to love and you can forget obedience, because you are a prisoner of SELF and sin! There is not in fact, even any self conflict that enters into the equation unless you know the Truth of the Law, that we can’t keep it, or Jesus Christ and Him crucified. You are simply a slave to self and cannot love deeply, and forget obedience.


Excerpt from preached message Self Conflict

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