The Twister

The Twister

In Jonathon Cann’s book The Dragon’s Prophecy, Cann talks about the Dragon which is one of God’s descriptions of Satan and how he twists everything! “The Dragon is the twister, twisting reality, bending the fabric of existence, turning the creation away from its state of being. As the nature of evil is to take the place of the good, and the nature of the dragon to take the place of God, so the nature of the beast (anti-Christ) will be to take the place of the Messiah. As the days of the great beast grow nearer, it would follow that the signs of his coming would become more and more visible. We would expect that his nature and characteristics would increase, indwell, and characterize modern culture.”

Is that not EXACTLY what we are seeing now? A twisting of all things? Your tax dollars are being used in Alabama to study vagina’s in MEN. Just as I explained in the “Truth According To Noah”s Ark”! Insanity has ensued and yes, it’s all the spirit of the dragon. The dragon wars with the Creator, to twist and lie, pervert and destroy. But you don’t have to be consumed and devoured, but the only way, is to be on the right side. The side of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Call on Him today and ask Him to save you from the perverted Dragon, the one that is after you. No one is beyond his reach but you can escape through the One that died to save you. Don’t allow yourself to be twisted and perverted. The Dragon wars against God and ALL of His creation, but God wins!


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