Learning A Lot

A teenage girl in our church expressed the fact that she has never learned so much in church, as she has since she’s been at ours. I feel the very same way!

Wednesday night Bible Study is always enlightening and many deep issues, thoughts and ideas are shared among the group. One such topic that came up was Paul and his take on celibacy in 1 Cor 7:1.  

A quick read, coupled with many other scriptures, seemingly make no sense or seem counter productive. You know, “God made them male and female. Go multiply. It’s not for man to be alone,” etc., but here Paul is saying it’s best to remain alone. So, what’s the deal? Who’s right?

Well, as pointed out in Bible Study and honestly I had never thought about it before, and thereby learned a lot! If you read the subject in context, by reading the entire chapter and paying attention to what Paul is saying, such as: “7:6 But I am saying this more as a matter of permission and concession, not as a command or regulation.” Vs 25: ….”I have no command of the Lord, but I give my opinion and advice”…. And this Vs 26 “I think then, because of the impending distress (that is even now setting in), it is well (expedient, profitable, and wholesome) for a person to remain as he or she is.”

In other words, Paul is not saying it is law that a man or woman of God should be celibate, but rather that because of the evil time Paul was living in, and you could say the same for us today, that if you can stay single, so that you can be totally dedicated to God and his work, then that is good and especially in difficult times of persecution. In times of world upheaval, not to have a family to concern yourself with, would be a blessing, but if you really want a spouse, a family, that’s ok too, but you will have a more difficult time as you will have the burden of caring for them in rough times of persecution.

Any church who makes celibacy a mandate for ministry has based their beliefs on something beside the Bible. Read in context! You will learn a lot!


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