Halloween And Evil

The Bible tells us that sin can be fun….for a while. I found Halloween to be fun, as many do. It was fun to be scared, because I knew it was not real.

So in exploring the idea of Halloween, we all know it’s a holiday based on evil. No way to get around that! As Jonathon Cann laid out in his new book The Dragon Prophecy, “What is evil? How did it come into existence? If evil exists, then how did it come into existence? More specifically, if God is good, then how could there be evil? And if God created evil, then how could God be good? Or how could God be God?”

I pondered these questions prior to reading his answers and thought how the questions and answers apply to the celebration of Halloween. A celebration of evil, just as we celebrate the coming of the Messiah at Christmas. So, if we are celebrating it, is it something God made for us to enjoy? Is God pleased when we celebrate evil?

As Cahn says, “If evil was created, it would not be a problem, nor would it be evil. But the very problem of evil contains the answer. Evil is a problem for the very reason that it was NOT created. It should not exist, because it was not created, and yet it does. The existence of evil defies the created order. Evil exists in defiance of existence.” For a complete dissertation on the subject, Jonathon Cahn nailed it in his new book, but for our discussion here, the Bible calls it a “mystery”. God created beings to think, feel, act, but he did not create them with evil inside them. Evil is everything God is NOT! Evil is in every way, the opposite of God. In fact God hates evil. So in a nutshell, why should we celebrate the very core thing that He hates, even if it provides us a little fun?

If we are going to survive these last days until Jesus comes, we better decide what side we are on. We better take off our distorted glasses of fun, and put on the glasses of the Holy Spirit to see things as they really are. Like realizing the guy at the end of the haunted house has a real chain on his chain saw! Funny how it’s not fun anymore.


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