
Numbers 11 also shows us how God works in our lives through the working and help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was on/in Moses, enabling him to lead the multitude. But Moses in the flesh had had it with the complaining mob and began to complain to God. God said for Moses to gather 70 men he could trust and bring them to the Tabernacle. There God said, “I will take of the Spirit which is upon YOU and will put It upon them”. The Spirit brought dramatic change in these men!

This is the same Spirit that Jesus said would come when He went away. The same Spirit that was given on the day of Pentecost. It’s something God does, a separate work, to enable you to live a life pleasing to Him, for in our humanity it is impossible!

Ask today for the infilling, the baptism in the Holly Spirit. It will make the same difference in your life as we read of in Numbers 11 and in the book of Acts. It will change the way you think, feel, and function. Making you line up with God. What an amazing blessing to those who desire and ask and then yield your flesh to the Spirit.


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