November 15th, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
Wisdom comes in two forms. Wisdom that comes from age and expierience and wisdom that comes supernaturaly, a knowledge that is given as a gift from God to those that ask. The Bible makes it clear that you must ask God for it, and I think the reason why, is that He wants to be sure that you know where it came from. He wants the glory!
I think it will be beneficial to hear how serious God takes the matter of Godly, or God given Wisdom. Read The Call of Wisdom in Proverbs 1:20 to the end.
Wisdom is being able to look BEYOND the situation.
Worldly wisdom says to hit your sorry husband over the head with a frying pan, but God's wisdom says, "Bring Him to me."
This is what Proverbs 1:20 that we read is telling us. Worldly wisdom will bring us heartache but Godly wisdom, which is knowledge from Him on the matter will bring peace and joy.
We aren't denying that there is a problem. We aren't denying that things are not good. We aren't denying that things are not fair. But what we are denying is that we refuse to walk in the flesh. We refuse to take up the frying pan or run to divorce court, but what we are determined to do, is to run to the Lord and ask for Wisdom. Yes, run to Him and tell Him how you feel. Tell Him what is going on and what is being said. Tell Him you love and trust Him enough to work in this situation and ask Him for Wisdom!
33 but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.
Are you listenening to the Holy Spirit as He instructs and guides you in dealing with your scoundrel husband? Do you know that God sees the injustice of it all? Do you know that He is for you and not against you? Do you know that He also loves your sorry spouse, and that His ultimate goal is to bring him to salvation? Are you willing to do what the Holy Spirit says, even if it doesn't feel good? Ask Him to help you with your feelings. Ask Him to give you a spirit of thankfulness in the midst of the trial.
Focused on the sorry scoundrel every minute of the day? Change your focus. Think intentially, every minute on the Lord's unfathomable love for you. Commit to doing this for a day and then the next day, commit to it for another two days, and then a week. Commit to being thankful and commit to think ONLY of the Lord. And ask and wisdom will come!
I think it will be beneficial to hear how serious God takes the matter of Godly, or God given Wisdom. Read The Call of Wisdom in Proverbs 1:20 to the end.
Wisdom is being able to look BEYOND the situation.
Worldly wisdom says to hit your sorry husband over the head with a frying pan, but God's wisdom says, "Bring Him to me."
This is what Proverbs 1:20 that we read is telling us. Worldly wisdom will bring us heartache but Godly wisdom, which is knowledge from Him on the matter will bring peace and joy.
We aren't denying that there is a problem. We aren't denying that things are not good. We aren't denying that things are not fair. But what we are denying is that we refuse to walk in the flesh. We refuse to take up the frying pan or run to divorce court, but what we are determined to do, is to run to the Lord and ask for Wisdom. Yes, run to Him and tell Him how you feel. Tell Him what is going on and what is being said. Tell Him you love and trust Him enough to work in this situation and ask Him for Wisdom!
33 but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.
Are you listenening to the Holy Spirit as He instructs and guides you in dealing with your scoundrel husband? Do you know that God sees the injustice of it all? Do you know that He is for you and not against you? Do you know that He also loves your sorry spouse, and that His ultimate goal is to bring him to salvation? Are you willing to do what the Holy Spirit says, even if it doesn't feel good? Ask Him to help you with your feelings. Ask Him to give you a spirit of thankfulness in the midst of the trial.
Focused on the sorry scoundrel every minute of the day? Change your focus. Think intentially, every minute on the Lord's unfathomable love for you. Commit to doing this for a day and then the next day, commit to it for another two days, and then a week. Commit to being thankful and commit to think ONLY of the Lord. And ask and wisdom will come!
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