November 4th, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
Do You Find It Hard?
We went to the fair recently and a church had a tent to give out Bibles and to witness of Christ and young people were responding! We were talking to a couple volunteers and one that my son was talking to, asked him when she found out he was a believer, “Do you find it hard to be a Christian?” He said, “Yes, it’s a horrible struggle if you’re trying to make YOURSELF righteous!”
Listening to the old “graduated” F.F. Bosworth, he said something that reminded me of this. He said, “A believer cannot be unhappy!” You won’t hear modern preachers make such a proclamation. Half their congregation on anti-depressants would walk out! How could he make such a pronouncement? Because it’s true! As the Holy Spirit just reminded me, “Thou wilt keep him in PERFECT peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in Thee.“ Isaiah 26:3
Bosworth also said, “Faith is believing what the Word says and ACTING on it!” This is why a believer can’t be unhappy, because you overcome Satan, who makes you believe self effort is the way, who brings depression, who brings sickness, who brings trouble. He has no power over you when you have planted the seed, which is the Word, and you believe it and act on it! Now you’ve entered into rest and no it’s NOT hard being a believer!
Resting in what Christ did for me, He took my sin and all my sickness that Satan planned to attack me with. “Don’t act like the prison doors are not open!” They’re open, but it’s up to you to walk out. No, it’s not hard when you understand Truth.
*All quotes from F.F. Bosworth
We went to the fair recently and a church had a tent to give out Bibles and to witness of Christ and young people were responding! We were talking to a couple volunteers and one that my son was talking to, asked him when she found out he was a believer, “Do you find it hard to be a Christian?” He said, “Yes, it’s a horrible struggle if you’re trying to make YOURSELF righteous!”
Listening to the old “graduated” F.F. Bosworth, he said something that reminded me of this. He said, “A believer cannot be unhappy!” You won’t hear modern preachers make such a proclamation. Half their congregation on anti-depressants would walk out! How could he make such a pronouncement? Because it’s true! As the Holy Spirit just reminded me, “Thou wilt keep him in PERFECT peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in Thee.“ Isaiah 26:3
Bosworth also said, “Faith is believing what the Word says and ACTING on it!” This is why a believer can’t be unhappy, because you overcome Satan, who makes you believe self effort is the way, who brings depression, who brings sickness, who brings trouble. He has no power over you when you have planted the seed, which is the Word, and you believe it and act on it! Now you’ve entered into rest and no it’s NOT hard being a believer!
Resting in what Christ did for me, He took my sin and all my sickness that Satan planned to attack me with. “Don’t act like the prison doors are not open!” They’re open, but it’s up to you to walk out. No, it’s not hard when you understand Truth.
*All quotes from F.F. Bosworth
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