October 3rd, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
In fact, isolation is the number one ploy on the Biderman’s Chart of Coercion, used by the Chinese and Koreans.
Isolated individuals are deprived of social support
It’s a historical fact that all rogue governments seek to destroy the church. A free thinking people who are led by the Holy Spirit and not their government will NEVER do! “If the priests fail what will the people do?” I heard this somewhere and thought how powerful the statement! If we have no strong leaders, no Godly leaders, no direction, no likeminded people to stand with, we WILL crumble.
Jeremiah comes to mind, the weeping prophet. How I sympathize, how much I understand. The people’s eyes are blinded and Jeremiah weeps in despair. In fact the church still being here, and what I mean is the true Bible believing, Holy Ghost seeking, prayer warrior church is here restraining the enemy. In his book Destined for the Throne, Paul Billheimer said this, “The only force in the world that is contesting Satan’s total rule in human affairs is the Church of the living God. If Satan were unopposed, if he were under no restraint because of the Spirit-inspired prayers and holy lives of God’s people….Satan would make a hell out of this world here and now.” We know the day is coming soon, very soon when this restraining power will be gone and the world will be left to evil forces and to God’s wrath. You think Helene was bad?
Listen to Jeremiah 8:21-22, the weeping prophet: For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I (Jeremiah) hurt; I go around mourning; dismay has taken hold of me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is not health of the daughter of my people restored? (BECAUSE ZION NO LONGER ENJOYED THE PRESENCE OF THE GREAT PHYSICIAN!) (Exodus 15:26) AMP classic
Check yourself, “Do I no longer enjoy the presence of the Great Physician?”
Isolated individuals are deprived of social support
It’s a historical fact that all rogue governments seek to destroy the church. A free thinking people who are led by the Holy Spirit and not their government will NEVER do! “If the priests fail what will the people do?” I heard this somewhere and thought how powerful the statement! If we have no strong leaders, no Godly leaders, no direction, no likeminded people to stand with, we WILL crumble.
Jeremiah comes to mind, the weeping prophet. How I sympathize, how much I understand. The people’s eyes are blinded and Jeremiah weeps in despair. In fact the church still being here, and what I mean is the true Bible believing, Holy Ghost seeking, prayer warrior church is here restraining the enemy. In his book Destined for the Throne, Paul Billheimer said this, “The only force in the world that is contesting Satan’s total rule in human affairs is the Church of the living God. If Satan were unopposed, if he were under no restraint because of the Spirit-inspired prayers and holy lives of God’s people….Satan would make a hell out of this world here and now.” We know the day is coming soon, very soon when this restraining power will be gone and the world will be left to evil forces and to God’s wrath. You think Helene was bad?
Listen to Jeremiah 8:21-22, the weeping prophet: For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I (Jeremiah) hurt; I go around mourning; dismay has taken hold of me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is not health of the daughter of my people restored? (BECAUSE ZION NO LONGER ENJOYED THE PRESENCE OF THE GREAT PHYSICIAN!) (Exodus 15:26) AMP classic
Check yourself, “Do I no longer enjoy the presence of the Great Physician?”
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